
Pixel Level Graphic Editor

Started by August 17, 2002 02:58 AM
2 comments, last by harishjs 22 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone know any graphic editor which allows its user to change pixle by pixle, similar to the graphic editor found in MS Visual C++ (it only supports 16 color). I want a graphic editor with same functionality but with lots of colors. Harish Save
Harish Savewww. H A R I S H S A V E . COM
Photoshop ? pencil mode instead of the brush with a 1 pixel size, and max zoom in on your sprites.

You can use the grid (16x16 , 32x32, ...) to align them.


Bruno Wieckowski
Lead Programmer
Exood4 Studios

[edited by - brunow on August 17, 2002 9:01:36 AM]
Paint shop pro works just as well for your purposes and is cheaper.

Happy Big FunWeeelll!!!President Bush is a bitchHe's a big fat bitchHe's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
quote: Original post by harishjs
Does anyone know any graphic editor which allows its user to change pixle by pixle, similar to the graphic editor found in MS Visual C++ (it only supports 16 color). I want a graphic editor with same functionality but with lots of colors.

Harish Save
<a href=""></a>

MS Paint lets you do it. But I would recomment JASC''s Paint Shop Pro. Or
It a free utility that will let you edit at the Pixel level with a full palette. However there are some extra features like a map editor that you might not want.

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