COM programming
I like COM. COM makes me happy. COM is my friend. OLE is not my friend. OLE takes COM and shoves a thumbtack in it''s eye. I like COM.
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his"
Seriously all I can say is *LOL*
I dont know why but this just made me laugh
I dont know why but this just made me laugh
"End Communication!", Kang from Rigel-4
you need to lay off the Dew, my friend. seriously. no more crack for you!
April 03, 2000 04:31 PM
Anybody want to download my qbasic 3d-engine com component? I call it ''Celsius''.
Seriously - I like COM. It makes me laugh, warms my sheets up before I get home, cooks me breakfast, even picks my toe gunk. Life without COM is like .. uh .. I can''t imagine life without COM. Or Dew. ChimChim, my friend, you are so correct. I need to lay off the Dew. Life without Dew is like .. uh .. QUIT MAKING ME SUICIDAL!!! YOU BASTARDS!!!
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his"
April 03, 2000 05:02 PM
this one time, I was at prgaming camp and I said " i like com" but nobody cared and tthen after a while I had no friends casue they all says I wasn''t cool for liking com so I don''t think you should like com anymore my pythius so''s you can keep your fridnds like mr chimchim btw moutain dew is in no way related to crack unles you mean its tastes good adn is aaddictive and makes you tweak out and stuff
Ummm...what the hell was that? I think I''ve heard more intelligible statements from a drunk warthog! friggin'' crack babies...
April 03, 2000 09:48 PM
how much time you spent with drunk warthogs there mr chimchim? ovbiously you are some backwoods countrifeid hickk that likes animals ans cousins like my uncle jedd you realy need help mr fiend
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