
Anyone have experience with 3D meshes?

Started by March 30, 2000 02:32 AM
4 comments, last by Jallen 24 years, 11 months ago
Hi all, Does anyone have any experience with OpenGL 3D meshes (also knows as evaluators in OpenGL)? I have created a mesh and would to place a texture on it, problem is, only points I have are the control points of the mesh, not that actual points being drawn on the screen so I don''t know of a way to place a texture on it. Is there a way to get OpenGL to give me back the points of the bezier mesh or do I have to write my own bezier curve generation routine just so I can get my own actual points? Any help is appreciated, Jason A. --- I write code.
---I write code.DelphiGL (
Try using glGenTexturei it can create texture coords for you. I think it is used in one of Nehe''s tutorials (Font mapping maybe?)
Its also good for environment mapping
I suggest creating your own bezier patch engine, excellent information on this subject can be found at

yes i kick his @$$ last week!
Thanks for all the replies, the first two were informitive, i don''t quite know what to make of the 3 and 4th ones. :>

Jason A.

I write code.
---I write code.DelphiGL (

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