
missing subscript error, help!

Started by March 29, 2000 07:52 PM
0 comments, last by Chrono999 24 years, 5 months ago
I''m working on a game but I made a function and it has this error: '''' : missing subscript when I clicked on it it pointed to this line of code: void InitAI(int stopsx[2][],int stopsy[2][],int nowp1,int nowp2[],int trigs[]) This is the start of a function (not declaring it.) So can somebody help me with this, it would be very appreciated
I think you are explicity declaring the wrong dimention of your arrays Try this instead:

void InitAI (int stopsx[][2], int stopsy[][2], int nowp1, int nowp2[], int trigs[])

and I think that should work

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