
Rotating a Polygon

Started by August 05, 2002 04:28 PM
5 comments, last by ACAC 22 years, 6 months ago
I decided to write my own rotation function for my sprites in dx8, i cant manage to get it working, i use a textured square
// *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** //
// Description  : m_SetRotation sets the angle of the sprite.
// Parameters   : angle - the angle to rotate to.
// Return Values: none.
// *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** //
void CSpriteInstance::m_setRotation(float angle)
		m_VB = NULL;
	//convert to rads
	angle = angle * (D3DX_PI/180);

	//center of the sprite X and Y
	float center_x, center_y;

	center_x =  m_Vertices[1].x  - (m_width/2);
	center_y =  m_Vertices[3].y  - (m_height/2);

	//calculate the hypot
	float hyp = (squ(m_width/2) + squ(m_height/2));
	hyp = sqrt(hyp);

	m_Vertices[0].x = center_x - sin(angle) * hyp;
	m_Vertices[0].y = center_y - cos(angle) * hyp;

	m_Vertices[1].x = center_x + sin(angle) * hyp;
	m_Vertices[1].y = center_y - cos(angle) * hyp;

	m_Vertices[2].x = center_x + sin(angle) * hyp;
	m_Vertices[2].y = center_y + cos(angle) * hyp;

	m_Vertices[3].x = center_x - sin(angle) * hyp;
	m_Vertices[3].y = center_y + cos(angle) * hyp;

	//create the vertex buffer
	pTemplate->pDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(4*sizeof(FVF2D), 0, FVF2D_FORMAT,
									 D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &m_VB);

	VOID* pVertices = NULL;

	//lock and copy the square
	m_VB->Lock(0, sizeof(m_Vertices), (BYTE**)&pVertices, 0);

	memcpy(pVertices, m_Vertices, sizeof(m_Vertices));


I calculate the center of the sprite, then using pythagorams threum i calculate the lenght of the hypotenuse, I then use the center to calculate the new positions of each vertex.
this is the order of the vertices

Before anyone starts saying use matrices, then id like to say "no" <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> i dont want to use them, this way I will learn more

Thanks for your help in advance <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>    </pre> 
Didn't tested it, I don't actually think it will work but...

ok, imagine that we make a cartesian plane centered in center_x, center_y.
now we take m_Vertices[1] and trace a line to the center.
That angle is Alpha.
we need also:
Hypot = sqrt(m_Vertices[1].y^2 + m_Vertices[1].x^2);
Alpha = asin(m_Vertices[1].y - center_y/Hypot);
Temp = acos(m_Vertices[1].y - center_y/Hypot);
// To get a 2*Pi angle

if (Temp < 0 && Alpha > 0){Alpha += 2*(Alpha - D3DX_PI/4);}
if (Temp < 0 && Alpha < 0){Alpha -= 2*(Alpha + D3DX_PI/4);}
//that's some cheating to make it a 2*Pi degree
//Anyway, if this doesen't work try to get the Alpha Value

//Now, the angle you want to rotate:
Alpha += Angle;
m_Vertices[0].x = center_x + sin(D3DX_PI - Alpha) * hyp;
m_Vertices[0].y = center_y - cos(D3DX_PI - Alpha) * hyp;

m_Vertices[1].x = center_x + sin(Alpha) * hyp;
m_Vertices[1].y = center_y + cos(Alpha) * hyp;

m_Vertices[2].x = center_x - sin( - Alpha) * hyp;
m_Vertices[2].y = center_y + cos( - Alpha) * hyp;

m_Vertices[3].x = center_x - sin(D3DX_PI + Alpha) * hyp;
m_Vertices[3].y = center_y - cos(D3DX_PI + Alpha) * hyp;

Well, tell me what happends.

[edited by - algumacoisaqualquer on August 5, 2002 7:04:18 PM]
I couldnt get it to work, however it now rotates around
x = 0, y = 0

how can i get it to rotate around the objects center?
Heres the code I use:

	angle = angle * (D3DX_PI/180);	fcos = cos(angle);	fsin = sin(angle);	//center of the sprite X and Y	float center_x, center_y;	center_x =  m_Vertices[1].x  - (m_width/2);	center_y =  m_Vertices[3].y  - (m_height/2);	//calculate the hypot	float hyp = (squ(m_width/2) + squ(m_height/2));	hyp = sqrt(hyp);	m_Vertices[0].x = (m_Vertices[0].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[0].y = (m_Vertices[0].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[1].x = (m_Vertices[1].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[1].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[1].y = (m_Vertices[1].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[1].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[2].x = (m_Vertices[2].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[2].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[2].y = (m_Vertices[2].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[2].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[3].x = (m_Vertices[3].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[3].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[3].y = (m_Vertices[3].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[3].y * fcos); 
OK This time ive got it to stay in the same place, but for some reason the polygon scales ( by getting smaller ) each time i call the function, heres the new code :-)

      float fcos = 0, fsin = 0;	//convert to rads	angle = angle * (D3DX_PI/180.0f);	//calculate cos/sin	fcos = cos(angle);	fsin = sin(angle);	float center_x = 0, center_y = 0;	float vector_x = 0,vector_y = 0;	//center of the sprite X and Y	//transform the polygon to 0,0	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		center_x +=  m_Vertices[index].x; 		center_y +=  m_Vertices[index].y; 	}	vector_x = center_x / 4;	vector_y = center_y / 4;	//transform the polygon to 0,0	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		m_Vertices[index].x -= vector_x;		m_Vertices[index].y -= vector_y;	}	//rotate the polygon	m_Vertices[0].x = (m_Vertices[0].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[0].y = (m_Vertices[0].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[1].x = (m_Vertices[1].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[1].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[1].y = (m_Vertices[1].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[1].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[2].x = (m_Vertices[2].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[2].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[2].y = (m_Vertices[2].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[2].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[3].x = (m_Vertices[3].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[3].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[3].y = (m_Vertices[3].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[3].y * fcos);	//retransform to original pos	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		m_Vertices[index].x += vector_x;		m_Vertices[index].y += vector_y;	}  
OK This time ive got it to stay in the same place, but for some reason the polygon scales ( by getting smaller ) each time i call the function, heres the new code :-)

      float fcos = 0, fsin = 0;	//convert to rads	angle = angle * (D3DX_PI/180.0f);	//calculate cos/sin	fcos = cos(angle);	fsin = sin(angle);	float center_x = 0, center_y = 0;	float vector_x = 0,vector_y = 0;	//center of the sprite X and Y	//transform the polygon to 0,0	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		center_x +=  m_Vertices[index].x; 		center_y +=  m_Vertices[index].y; 	}	vector_x = center_x / 4;	vector_y = center_y / 4;	//transform the polygon to 0,0	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		m_Vertices[index].x -= vector_x;		m_Vertices[index].y -= vector_y;	}	//rotate the polygon	m_Vertices[0].x = (m_Vertices[0].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[0].y = (m_Vertices[0].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[1].x = (m_Vertices[1].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[1].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[1].y = (m_Vertices[1].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[1].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[2].x = (m_Vertices[2].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[2].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[2].y = (m_Vertices[2].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[2].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[3].x = (m_Vertices[3].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[3].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[3].y = (m_Vertices[3].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[3].y * fcos);	//retransform to original pos	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		m_Vertices[index].x += vector_x;		m_Vertices[index].y += vector_y;	}  
OK This time ive got it to stay in the same place, but for some reason the polygon scales ( by getting smaller ) each time i call the function, heres the new code :-)

      float fcos = 0, fsin = 0;	//convert to rads	angle = angle * (D3DX_PI/180.0f);	//calculate cos/sin	fcos = cos(angle);	fsin = sin(angle);	float center_x = 0, center_y = 0;	float vector_x = 0,vector_y = 0;	//center of the sprite X and Y	//transform the polygon to 0,0	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		center_x +=  m_Vertices[index].x; 		center_y +=  m_Vertices[index].y; 	}	vector_x = center_x / 4;	vector_y = center_y / 4;	//transform the polygon to 0,0	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		m_Vertices[index].x -= vector_x;		m_Vertices[index].y -= vector_y;	}	//rotate the polygon	m_Vertices[0].x = (m_Vertices[0].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[0].y = (m_Vertices[0].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[1].x = (m_Vertices[1].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[1].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[1].y = (m_Vertices[1].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[1].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[2].x = (m_Vertices[2].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[2].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[2].y = (m_Vertices[2].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[2].y * fcos);	m_Vertices[3].x = (m_Vertices[3].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[3].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[3].y = (m_Vertices[3].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[3].y * fcos);	//retransform to original pos	for(index = 0; index < 4; index++)	{		m_Vertices[index].x += vector_x;		m_Vertices[index].y += vector_y;	}  
Original post by ACAC
OK This time ive got it to stay in the same place, but for some reason the polygon scales ( by getting smaller ) each time i call the function, heres the new code :-)

I''ll tell you why. Your transformation code (shown below for just one vertex) has a bug.

Original post by ACAC
m_Vertices[0].x = (m_Vertices[0].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);
m_Vertices[0].y = (m_Vertices[0].x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);

And the problem is this. You''re modifying m_Vertices[index].x and then using the modified value to calculate m_Vertices[index].y when you should be using the previous, unmodified value of m_Vertices[index].x. That code is equivalent to the following:

Original post by ACAC
m_Vertices[0].x = (m_Vertices[0].x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);

new_x = m_Vertices[0].x;

m_Vertices[0].y = (new_x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);

You should have code like this instead to properly rotate:

Original post by ACAC
old_x = m_Vertices[0].x;
m_Vertices[0].x = (old_x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);
m_Vertices[0].y = (old_x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);

So, your complete set of transformation should be:

  	old_x = m_Vertices[0].x;	m_Vertices[0].x = (old_x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[0].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[0].y = (old_x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[0].y * fcos);	old_x = m_Vertices[1].x;	m_Vertices[1].x = (old_x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[1].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[1].y = (old_x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[1].y * fcos);	old_x = m_Vertices[2].x;	m_Vertices[2].x = (old_x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[2].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[2].y = (old_x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[2].y * fcos);	old_x = m_Vertices[3].x;	m_Vertices[3].x = (old_x * fcos) - (m_Vertices[3].y * fsin);	m_Vertices[3].y = (old_x * fsin) + (m_Vertices[3].y * fcos);  

Everything else looks perfectly fine. I didn''t check your later dx8 code, so I don''t know what''s wrong with that. For DX8 specific problems, you should visit the DirectX forum.

Graham Rhodes
Senior Scientist
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Graham Rhodes Moderator, Math & Physics forum @

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