
Major Memory Heap Allocation Problems...

Started by March 29, 2000 04:23 AM
3 comments, last by Joviex 24 years, 5 months ago
Help, please... I am having a bit of trouble with the new operator. Currently I am trying to allocate memory for 32768 vertices (D3DVERTEX) and I am getting nothing but null in return. It would seem to me that there is not enough memory? I currently have 128meg in this dev machine, and I am not allocating any other memory via code, soooo... I am a bit confused here. Is there an upper limit? I thought it was only limited to physical ram?
It could help if you included some source code...
Honestly, I thought I explained the problem

D3DVERTEX* tVerts = new D3DVERTEX[4096];

makes no difference if I plug in 1 or 32768 for the allocation count, it returns null
Also, something to note. I tried creating another allocated array prior to where I have problems. It works great, matter of fact I can allocate all my vertices * 20, only problem is, that is not where I can use the array. ;(

Anyone else ever come across such a weird allocation problem?

You mean to tell me no one has had this problem before? and it is only me...?


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