
Human emotion

Started by July 09, 2002 04:57 PM
0 comments, last by AlbertoT 22 years, 4 months ago
hello I have read a long time ago an article explaining how to simulate human emotion. It was neither FSM nor fuzzy logic based ,rather pratical consideration coming from psicology ,I mean something like : the first reaction is impulsive (emotional) , later education (family,school,church etc) come up, afterward the real temper of the person etc I was interested because the author plotted some curves , so that it was posssible to work it out an alghoritm to use in a game. Sorry not to be more specific but it was really a long time ago. Can some one help me to find this article or something similar? thanks in advance
This might be what you''re looking for.
You''ll have to have an acount, but I found that you can somtimes just press the browser stop button, hehe.

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