
Maybe ugly buut..

Started by July 08, 2002 06:58 AM
1 comment, last by Kamaz 22 years, 6 months ago
--off topic-- I''m from Latvia (little country by the Baltic Sea) and my native language isn''t English, so excuse me if I''m wrong or make some mistakes. --on topic-- I hate 3D and, actually, I can''t stand any computer-made graphics. So the single choice for me - amateur computer games developer (specialized on kinda RPG-s and adventures) - is to use my own drawings. And, although, it doesn''t lok very baaaad, but, you know, it isn''t the real taste of commercial graphics (which are good, yeah, they have to be). You could visit page to see my style, but it''s only in Latvian (Because I''m making that game just in Latvian, as it is my first more less seriouss game.) The question is - is it worth to do it? --OK, that''''s me and you know it.
--OK, that''s me and you know it.
Mod, please lock, or move...good english though

:: Rad Programs Software :: "Houston, we have a bugger" - Bart Simpson
quote: Original post by Quantrizi
Mod, please lock, or move...good english though

:: Rad Programs Software :: "Houston, we have a bugger" - Bart Simpson <hr height=1 noshade></SPAN></BLOCKQUOTE> <br><br>Quantrizi: Why? His site is a visual arts site, its game related (so far as I can tell, since I can only ''read'' the pretty pictures), and unless he''s doing a really good job of spoofing an IP his whole story checks out. Whats do you find wrong with this?<br><br>Kamaz: Neat, one thing you might want to look at is <a href="">NPRQuake</a>, it might interest you.<br>

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