
Best RPG

Started by March 20, 2000 10:45 PM
16 comments, last by techrecruiter 24 years, 6 months ago
Not to flame ya or anything, but I think your definition of RPG is backwards. A Role-Playing Game is just that, one in which you play a role. The most pure forms of that are Everquest, Ultima Online, and most MUDs you might care to mention. Games like Final Fantasy, or really any Squaresoft style game, aren't really RPGs, they're interactive stories. They're incredibly fun and good stories, but they aren't really RPGs in the true sense. They're too restricted to be considered such.

All of this is IMHO,

Edited by - Jonathan on 3/21/00 6:04:27 PM
Seikendensetsu 3(secret of mana 2)! The BEST RPG(actually, adventure rpg) ever created! By squaresoft(duh!). For the SNES.

"Remember, I'm the monkey, and you're the cheese grater. So no messing around."
-Grand Theft Auto, London

"It's not whether I win or lose, as long as I piss you off"
-Morrigan, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
If you hadn''t specified "last year or so", I''d answer: Ultima 6, no doubt about it. Graphically a little primitive, but it had a strong story, good NPCs, and a great world implementation.

I haven''t been too impressed by recent RPG releases. I really disliked the last couple of FF releases - nowhere near enough world interaction, far too linear, and generally uninteresting.

I would have to agree with Jonathan on this one. You may be more accustomed to Console "RPG"s (and no fault to you for finding them enjoyable -- I have FFVII, FFVIII, and Wild Arms for my PS and am a big fan of the Phantasy Star series by Sega (if they do one for the Dreamcast, I''m buying the damn thing)), but if you''ve ever played pen and paper RPGs (which basically defined the term), computer ones come MUCH closer than console RPGs.

By and large, console RPGs tend to be very linear. With the exception of M&MIII (a PC port) for the Genesis, I''ve never seem a truly free-roaming RPG for a console. They tend to have very well-scripted stories, but your ability to do anything but exactly what you''re supposed to do is very limited (look how much hype was made over being able to do one extra quest in FFVII). If someone tried to do a pen and paper game like that, it would be VERY boring ("Go here. Beat this guy. Go here. Beat this guy. Go here. Beat this guy" -- it would make the GM''s job easier, but that''s about it )

Pen and paper RPG''s are much less linear, with subquests that have nothing to do with the main story. Does this make them better? That''s really up to your preference, but it definitely makes PC RPGs closer to pen and paper RPG''s.


Chris Rouillard
Software Engineer
---<<>>--- Chris Rouillard Software
quote: Original post by crouilla


By and large, console RPGs tend to be very linear. With the exception of M&MIII (a PC port) for the Genesis, I''ve never seem a truly free-roaming RPG for a console. They tend to have very well-scripted stories, but your ability to do anything but exactly what you''re supposed to do is very limited (look how much hype was made over being able to do one extra quest in FFVII). If someone tried to do a pen and paper game like that, it would be VERY boring ("Go here. Beat this guy. Go here. Beat this guy. Go here. Beat this guy" -- it would make the GM''s job easier, but that''s about it )

Pen and paper RPG''s are much less linear, with subquests that have nothing to do with the main story. Does this make them better? That''s really up to your preference, but it definitely makes PC RPGs closer to pen and paper RPG''s.


Chris Rouillard
Software Engineer

Yes, what I''m looking for is something on a pc with the flavor of a pen and paer RPG, but with all the perks that you get from playing a computer game. Sounds like Planescape: Torment comes close, and possibly Baldur''s Gate.

Tim HeardMalone
Personally, I think the idea of roleplaying lays some where in the middle, and the difference between pc and consoles are nothing more than differences in styles. I do play pen and paper rpg''s (actually, I''ve written about three now), and I think it suppot\rtsd both styles. First off, it seems that the main goal in rpg''s is to tell a story, as there is no win or lose persay, just survival and continuation of the story. Once again, it comes down to style, Does the game (gamemaster) convey it''s stories by a sequence of action oriented fun filled missions from one location to the next ( console rpg''s), or does it give you an open ended wrld (pc rpg''s). Both styles ARE rpg''s, just different philosophies, I have played games the follow both styles (and run even more), and have found both styles to be enjoyable. Personaly I perfer console rpg''s for the cinematics of it all, but when I''m playing on the table top, it''s sually open ended all the way. It would be interesting to see if electronic rpg''s could ever truly mimic p&p rpg''s, but it would be really hard to create an engine with that much open ended versatility.

Dare To Think Outside The Box
Write more poetry.
Crusaders of the dark savant!!! I spent more time in that kickass virtual world for dos than any other game ever. Cant wait for the sequal coming out soon by sir-tech.

Yo BG stinks
The best RPG for P.C. is FF8 for the comp kick on Ps kick on PC.

Square For Ever Bow before Square!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God"

"Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God" FFT

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