
How diffrent is DX7 vs DX8

Started by June 26, 2002 12:41 PM
5 comments, last by Raskolnikov 22 years, 5 months ago
I have Advanced 3-D Game Programming with DirectX 7.0. Should I read it or buy another book that covers DircetX 8. How much time and energy will I be wasting if I learn DX7 then learn 8 via the SDK documentation versus buying the new version of the book (or a different book than covers DX8) and just learning DX8. Also should I read Inside Direct X (my local library has several copies) proir to learning Direct 3d.
i would personally go with dx8
dx8 simplifies alot of the initilization process
and i just find it easier to work with

"I pity the fool, thug, or soul who tries to take over the world, then goes home crying to his momma."
- Mr. T
I wuould suggest direct x 8.0
At last , thanks to common files etc, MS seem to have designed something for human beings
What about Inside Direct X should I read that first? And how soon will Direct X 9 be out?
quote: Original post by Raskolnikov
What about Inside Direct X should I read that first? And how soon will Direct X 9 be out?

I have Inside DirectX, and that covers only DirectX 5, so I consider it quite outdated.

To learn directX I recommend reading some tutorials on the net and otherwise running through the docs included with the DirectX SDK.
Jacob Marner, M.Sc.Console Programmer, Deadline Games
Yeah, but I hear that is the best book for the non-direct 3d stuff.
The Zen of Direct 3D Game Programming is what I am reading on 2D and 3D DirectX 8, and I think it is quite good and enjoyable.

[edited by - DangerD on June 26, 2002 5:18:54 PM]

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