
Game Implementation

Started by March 17, 2000 10:59 PM
2 comments, last by Aztec 24 years, 11 months ago
Okay, for instance, I have chosen to do a pong remake for my first actual game program. It''s simple, and will allow me to learn the basics of game programming. Should I go about doing this by using bitmaps and outputting them to the screen, or should i use polygons? does anyone have any sourcecode to something similar so i can get a basis? thanks for the help
for pong, use 100% polygons. only use bitmaps with games that require more complex graphics, like tanks or houses and stuff with many colors and animations. i have an example of an aseroids type game that uses polygons. its pretty fun (ok, its not that fun). ill e-mail it to ya if you want.
sure, i''d love to see a copy of it.

send it to

wow, you respond quick

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