

Started by March 17, 2000 10:32 PM
11 comments, last by Aztec 24 years, 11 months ago
after reading this board for quite some time, something has come to deeply puzzle me. what do the ranks under the poster''s name mean? for instance, under my name it will say "initiate" under somebody else''s, it may say "zealot", "fanatic", "dedicated", "saint" etc... how does "one progress through the ranks"?
It goes by number of posts. The more posts they have, the more "dedicated" to the board they are, hence the names.


Admin for

ahh, i gets it now
so, how many messages does one have to post to advance through the ranking system?
It goes this way

0-19 =Initate
20-49 =Dedicated
50-99 =Fanatic
100-199 = Zealot
200-399 = Martyr
400-799 = Saint

so, in theory, one could post 750 blank posts really quick and get there rank raised to a saint, before the forum moderator kicks their butt and fries their head.
Of course some people do post multiple times, or post an immediate second reply instead of editting their first. Its a little hoaky (thought most probably aren''t doing it on purpose, I''m sure some are), but most higher ranked people are for real.

(Hehe, one for post for me I''m comming after you Si j/k)

If you make 750 blank post to reach the saint rank, it mean 3 thing1.

You really have a lot of time to whaste!
You are really stupid!
No one here will ever help you!

And, tell me wath the hell is the point of getting a higth rank, you recive not benifit fromm it!

I hope this was only a joke!

Coming after me? Whatever for?

Though I am curious what happens after Sainthood. Demi-god?
After Sainthood, you get "Why the hell are you still posting instead of working on your games?"


Chris Rouillard
Software Engineer
---<<>>--- Chris Rouillard Software
Ah yes. That would be the "something to do while I perform a 15 minute compile."

(And you think I''m joking.)

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