
Creating bitmaps with PSP7

Started by June 19, 2002 03:39 AM
6 comments, last by tifkagh 22 years, 7 months ago
I am creating a tileset using PSP7. To save memory I am cutting and pasting from an existing (large) tileset into a newly defined smaller one. What I am finding is that the existing tileset works fine, even after manipulation in PSP. On the other hand the new one looks fine but my program produces all sorts of weirdness with the resulting bitmap. I assume the error is occuring because the new bitmap created in PSP has some weird property that I haven''t thought of. Is this correct
I''m taking an uninformed shot in the dark here, could be the number of colors in the picture?
To check what Caravaggio is saying, open both images at once, then for each image: View -> Image Information -> [Pixel Depth/ Colors]. If your game is designed to only load 24 or 8 bit images, you''ll run into issues if the two sets of numbers are different.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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psp7 has a slightly annoying problem:
if you try to "save as" it''ll default to a psp file..
you can manually type ''filename.bmp'' but it''ll still
save it in the psp format. you''ve got to go to the drop box
below and click ''windows bitmap'' manually.

;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]


-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
Thanks ZE. I think it''s also displayed in the lower right croner of the status bar when you''ve got the cursor over the pic. width X heighth x color depth.
Tried both of these, Thanks anyway.
Well, you''re obviously doing something wrong, so let''s fix it. There are two potential sources of the problem:

1) Your loading code
2) The image you''re loading
3) Extraterrestial beings

Now, your loading code might be capable of loading only one type of BMP, such as 8-bit, 24-bit, or (yeah,right) 16-bit. If the source images aren''t correct, they''ll look rather odd when you try to load them as a different type.

PSP 5 never compresses BMPs to RLE. I don''t know about PSP7, but I''m betting that even if compression is set as the default, you can turn it off. Once again, check to make sure you''re saving the images in the correct format and bitdepth.

Option three hardly merits discussion, so get to thinking about the other two.


//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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I was making a character animation for a guy once, he had different poses set out on grids. When I tried to make more poses I extended the canvas by the necissary grid cell widths and added the frames, I tried putting it back in myself but there was something that it really didn''t like. He supposidly fixed it somehow, I never new what was wrong there.

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