
3ds max closes during render

Started by June 17, 2002 01:21 PM
4 comments, last by lost hope 22 years, 7 months ago
Hey Guys - I''m rather new to 3ds max, so I appologize if the answer to my question is obvious. Ok, so here''s the problem: When I go to render my scene (a single frame), max goes to work for around 40 minutes and then closes. No error message, nothing - just disappears from the task bar. Sometimes about 20 mintues into the process it will pop up an error message saying it needs to use more virtual memory, so I hit "OK" and it seems to continue on (for a bit, and then it closes). Now I know my scene has a TON of vertices, but would that actually cause it to crash? Is there any way I can stop it from closing without actually removing geometry?? I don''t care how long it takes to render, just so long as it finishes eventually =) In case it helps, my sys specs are a P3 700 w/ 512 megs of ram. Also, is there any way to tell before you start rendering whether or not max will be able to hande it? Thanks in advance! -lost hope
"The difficult part of living in a bubble is this; the walls of a bubble are transparent, and thus everything transpiring outside the bubble is crystal clear."
Sounds like a bug. You should report this to Discreet technical support. They probably even have a work around if other people have run into the problem before.
You didn''t write anything about which release of 3dsmax you are using but I had the same problem in 3rd release. It seems like anytime if there''s not enough memory max just exits without any error message. Back in 2nd release max even crashes. I think you have to setup more virtual memory for the system or even buy more RAM. Max is very memory consuming so even 512MB is not enough for complex scenes.
Hey, thanks for the help so far!! Sorry, I forgot to mention that I''m using release 4 of 3ds. As far as configuring the virtual memory, what is the best way to do that? I''ve gone to the control panel (win2k), selected system, gone to advanced, and then changed the maximum value to something much higher. However, it still seems to just quit on me. Any ideas or maybe things that I am doing wrong??

-lost hope
"The difficult part of living in a bubble is this; the walls of a bubble are transparent, and thus everything transpiring outside the bubble is crystal clear."
Exactly how big is your scene?

Well, there are 150,000 blades of grass -- each one 6 segments. There is terrain (not sure the size offhand - but it is fairly complicated), and then there are maybe 350,000 vertices (assorted objects) on the grass.
"The difficult part of living in a bubble is this; the walls of a bubble are transparent, and thus everything transpiring outside the bubble is crystal clear."

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