## Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

posted in Lame? Where?!
Published December 01, 2005
Well, yesterday I said that I'd have something neat for my journal now that today is the first day of December, and here we have it. I've totally decked the halls of my journal.

Now, last time I revamped the journal layout, a few people took the CSS and applied it to their own journal. I don't mind if you do that, but if you do, please credit me for it. I spent three days going through the CSS, figuring out what was whatm and getting everything just right, so I would appreciate it if you just gave me credit for the CSS since I put so much work into it.

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I don't care about the presents or the "tradition" that much. What does it for me is seeing the smiles on kids' faces. Kids love seeing houses done all pretty in Christmas lights, it brings a glow to their face that is like no other. They love the hell out of Christmas and I love helping that.

This is a picture I took of my son last year, isn't he adorable?

I won't get to see him for Christmas this year :( However, on December 28th or so, he'll be comign down to Texas and I'll gete to spend New Years with him, and his birthday on January 6th, then I need to take him back to New Mexico around January 8th or 9th. Going to be fun seeing him again.

I'd also like to take a time out and say CONGRATULATIONS to a very good friend of mine, Shmedley, on the newest addition to his family.

Happy Holidays everyone, hope my journal decorations help bring out a little more spirit in you this season.

EDIT: Thanks mushu, I didn't even think to look at it in www2 mode. It should now look normal (Aside from the header) in www2 mode.
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Damian looks a real cute! :)

Your journal design has really cheered me up - xmas will soon be here!!!....
December 01, 2005 11:31 AM
Laz. Outstanding job on the layout! I for one will be using your template to modify my journal. I'm no expert at CSS and what took you 3 days, would have taken me quite some time to do. Don't worry though, you'll have an entire post recognizing your hard work! Thank you!

Christmas is my favorite holiday also, not because of gifts, but because I get to go all out decorating the house with lights to impress the kiddies. ;) Unfortuantly, this semester has been a stressfull semester, so I have not had a chance to set up the lights yet, but they'll be coming!

Good looking son! All chipper with holiday cheer! I can feel how much you miss em' when you see pictures like that, I've been in similar situations with a 4 years long distance relationship. ;| But! We made it.

Take care buddy.
December 01, 2005 01:05 PM
Just as a comment - on the www2 server the text is displayed as white, and you can't see it. It would be awesome if you could make sure that the text is black, as opposed to the default.

But it looks nice .clap laz
December 01, 2005 01:11 PM
"WOW" - all I can say. Awesome decorations [grin]

December 01, 2005 02:02 PM
It's too bad the icicles didn't work; those would have really beautified the whole site.

But it is gorgeous.
December 01, 2005 03:36 PM
Heh, for a moment I thought Firefox had been hacked by an elf .. and then there's Evelyn's avatar. But yes, Christmas is my favorite holiday also, for the food as much as the good spirit.
December 02, 2005 12:50 AM
.. and then there's Evelyn's avatar

I'm actually looking about for another xmassy avatar as I think this one may be a bit young for me, even although I don't feel as old as I am...I may keep it though if I can't find anything more suitable for a 'maturer laydee' :)
December 02, 2005 06:29 AM
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