I'm using ManagedDirectX for sound using DirectSound. I like MDX. However I didn't know that i have to send the redist files with it, but oh well. Still neat.
I did some work on my Lazteroids game. Still working out the control. Here's what I have now:
if (input->KeyDown(VK_UP) || input->KeyDown('W')) { fSpeed += fAccel; fVelocity = matrix.GetY();} if (fSpeed > fMaxSpeed) fSpeed = fMaxSpeed; tmpVel = fVelocity;tmpVel *= fSpeed * fTime;fSpeed *= fDamper; if (fabs(fSpeed) < 0.000001f) fSpeed = 0.0f;matrix.Translate(tmpVel);
Looks cleaner than what I used to have, but still doesn't work the way I want it. I'm not sure how the hell to make it do what I want. Damnit.
And in other news: I think I'm going to go see Fantastic 4 tomorrow. WIN!