Eventually, collision resolving

posted in OnlineCraft for project Online_Craft
Published February 14, 2025

At the moment player box is just two sphere one on top of another.
Its hard for me to write it from scratch, but it works. We just slip out sphere out of axis aligned boxes on client side, its enough.
Since our world is set of AABB 1x1, there no case when two spheres with diameter=1 behave not as a capsule
I currently leave fly ability, but will add gravity soon, but with high jumps or even something like jetpacks

Try it out: http://stilker.sknt.ru:3001/

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I checked it out! Looks pretty good. Is this procedurally generated?

February 15, 2025 02:46 PM

@PixelSlots.com @PixelSlots.com sure, it`s classical perlin noise generation with unlimited not only XZ but also Y axis.
terrain generates on server side on demand and broadcasted to corresponding players
(you may enter world as several players using several browser tabs)

February 15, 2025 08:20 PM

@RomanGenkhel Very nice! So you planning on a multiplayer game?

February 21, 2025 09:11 PM

@PixelSlots.com yes, actually it`s already multiplayer, but players can do nothing except see each other.
at the moment i refactor generating algorithm so, players could dig/build anything they want (like in minecraft)
and generating small (less than chunk 16x16x16) structures like small trees,stalactites, stalagmites, lairs e.t.c.
Also, lighting actually colorful, so objects color emit not only white by any color light.

A lot of plans =), but it`s not a fantasy, but only question of free time =)

February 22, 2025 02:30 PM
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