In shorts, now players can build/digging structures, it`s test feature with some of known issues:
1. only few types of blocks could be placed (droplist at the bottom of the screen)
2. if you remove/obscure light emitting block (pumpkin), light will not be recalculated
3. All building stored in memory,…
At the moment player box is just two sphere one on top of another.
Its hard for me to write it from scratch, but it works. We just slip out sphere out of axis aligned boxes on client side, its enough.
Since our world is set of AABB 1x1, there no case when two spheres with diameter=1 behave not …

To be correct, its skinned mesh with just one bone index for each vertex (one or more meshes → only one bone), but its very useful for minecraft like models, i currently upload 16 bones (matrices) at once, for all cases it`s enough to render model in one render call (typical model just 6 bones)
Fixed "chunk leaks", made a lot of bug fixes and optimization. Generated construction coming soon.
Also i think about utilize feature of unlimited Z-axis (in minecraft height limit approx 320 blocks ), probably generate something like huge mountains, or deep caves, or even planets, but