Single button shooting gallery

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Published April 29, 2024

Can you imagine a single button gallery game?

Thats an idea that is been in my head for a while. I really love making simple one button games, I like the challenge of solve problems and mechanics, I'm not the best coder, barely know html5 and Javascript, but I was thinking… What about a shooting game with a single button, from a side shooter to a FPS, how could it be?

I start making a game without clicking just moving the mouse around the screen, the game is called “Target Busters” (just click screen to activate sounds) is an experimental game, there is no buttons to click, just move the mouse around, keep the mouse above any option for 2 seconds to make selection. In the game just touch te targets to fire.

Really like the result so I make more experiments and that helped me more to understand shooting games from different perspectives. I was so excited that I start making an “Lethal Enforcers” (arcade light gun game)

But with my own pictures, so I started to take photos to relatives with weapons, lol, it was so fun…

STOP!!! But that was no the idea… I wanted one button shooting game, to press anywhere on the screen or any key on the keyboard to shoot, make something different. So I started to watch light gun games, from arcades to consoles, I can't just shoot, thats so easy, villains popping out and pressing the button, thats so easy, where is the fun? till I really watch “Lethal Enforcers” and also “Hogan's alley” (Nintendo), there where also innocent people coming out, ok ok ok, take quick decisions to shoot or not.

I cannot start making a big game with pictures and animations without trying if the game is at least fun, so I started with something easy to make and cute to watch, so I made this little whack-a-mole style game with the idea of just 2 characters, the mole and the mole with a bomb, no more, simple.

Big drawings in the middle of the screen to try and it was fun, so whats next? keep testing and experiment or make a big game for the web, or maybe go back to “No buttons game” that is something never seen in games or the web (as far as I know). I don't know but this is fun to think about it!​


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