This time I bring you a little toy. As you may remember I do simple games for disable people and wanted to do a action reaction game using physics so I came up with this little toy, at the beginning there There only balls flying, but I decided to add a score, so every time something hits something …
I made a new video showing the process of making buttons.
Remember that in site there is no buttons, but many people as I see (using a tracking mouse service) always try to click on the buttons, so, to make it easy for people to understand, every time I show the games I connect these buttons…
Can you imagine a single button gallery game?
Thats an idea that is been in my head for a while. I really love making simple one button games, I like the challenge of solve problems and mechanics, I'm not the best coder, barely know html5 and Javascript, but I was thinking… What about a shooting gam…
“” is a game project, is the only site that uses a single button for everything.
You can see movies, read books and play video games just by clicking in the screen.
I'm a game developer since year 2000 and this project starts around 2005 as a personal challenge to make one button games …