Since presenting at EGX last October, we have been working towards completing the ‘Minimum Viable Product’ version of Quiz Quest. Our developer is hoping to be done with the latest batch of tech improvements in the next week or so, so an exciting update to the gameplay is coming soon. The biggest improvement will be the incorporation of the weapons into the quiz rounds, which should make the quizzing aspect of the game more fun. As well as this, there will be a major update of the UI, which will vastly improve the look and feel of the game.

I have been working on everything else: updating the artwork and animation, creating sound effects, writing quiz questions, producing the final versions of the music tracks and, most recently, recording the new voiceover for Robin Yewblind. Lizzie, our social media manager, kindly agreed to be the new voice of Robin. Despite her not being an actor and never having done voiceover work before, she did an amazing job. It’s great to have Robin voiced by an actual woman instead of using my embarrassing attempt at a female voice. Thank you, Lizzie!