Integrating Custom WebGL Rendering in React

Published November 15, 2023

In the latest phase of our game development, we have made significant progress in integrating a custom WebGL rendering engine within a React application. This integration was not only about rendering 3D graphics but also about aligning the rendering pipeline with React's component-based architecture and handling UI elements


Custom WebGL Rendering Engine

Motivation and Design

Our decision to implement a custom WebGL rendering engine stemmed from the need for precise control over 3D graphics and UI integration. Standard libraries, though efficient, lacked the flexibility required for our specific use case, particularly in shadow rendering and UI overlay.

Core Implementation

The core of our engine revolves around managing WebGL contexts, shaders, and buffers within React components. We employed gl-matrix for mathematical operations, essential for handling camera perspectives and transformations.

Shader Compilation and Buffer Initialization

The initial step involved setting up shader compilation and buffer initialization:


// Shader compilation

const shaderProgram = initShaderProgram(gl, vsSource, fsSource);


// Buffer initialization

const buffers = initBuffers(gl, plyData());

Shadow Mapping

One of the critical features in our engine was the implementation of shadow maps:


// Shadow map creation

shadowMap = createShadowMap(gl, SHADOW_MAP_SIZE, SHADOW_MAP_SIZE);


Integration with React

Custom Renderer Component

We encapsulated our rendering logic within a custom DefaultRenderer React component. This component manages the WebGL context and reacts to state changes for dynamic updates.

The Rendering Loop

The rendering loop is initiated within the useEffect hook, ensuring that it aligns with the React component lifecycle:


useEffect(() => {

   // ...initialization logic...


   const render = (now) => {

       // ...rendering logic...



   const fr = requestAnimationFrame(render);


   return () => {



}, [scene, world, plyData]);


Scene and Camera Setup

The scene setup involves configuring the camera, projection matrix, and initial model transformations:


const fieldOfView = camera.fov * Math.PI / 180;

const projectionMatrix = mat4.create();

mat4.perspective(projectionMatrix, fieldOfView, aspect, zNear, zFar);

const modelViewMatrix = mat4.create();

mat4.lookAt(modelViewMatrix, cameraFrom, cameraTo, [0, 0, 1]);



Rendering with Shadows

To render scenes with shadows, we first render from the light's perspective to the shadow map and then render the scene normally while applying the shadow map:


renderSceneFromLightPerspective(gl, shadowShaderProgram, shadowMap, buffers, lightProjectionMatrix, lightViewMatrix);

drawSceneShadowMapped(gl, cameraShaderProgram, buffers, shadowMap, scene, world, camera, lightProjectionMatrix, lightViewMatrix);



The development of our custom WebGL rendering engine in React has been a complex yet rewarding endeavor. By integrating 3D graphics rendering directly within React components, we have achieved a high degree of control over our game's visual aspects and UI interactions.

Try it out online for free at MāāG™ - Mana Worlds!

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Tom Sloper

Have you encountered any problems with WebGL running on iPadOS 17?

November 16, 2023 04:05 AM

@Tom Sloper IOS in general presents a lot of issues when trying to do native type things.
It's been rendering alright with iPhone OS whatever, and actually the performance is very good on devices <3 years old.

November 16, 2023 06:48 AM
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