Starting a Devlog for The Lost Pages!

posted in The Lost Pages Devlog for project The Lost Pages
Published October 26, 2023

Hi, I'm Harris (aka BedtimeGuy), the developer of The Lost Pages!

I've been working on this game for about five years now in my spare time, and it's finally getting to the point where I have stuff worth sharing!

The original concept came from a silly argument with friends. I was complaining that RPGs are often way too similar, so why should I play them? I argued that RPGs are so formulaic, I could make an "RPG Simulator" that generates a new RPG every time you play it.

For some reason this joke of an idea stuck in my head, especially as I got into a lot of roguelike games. So I set about thinking what could possibly be procedurally generated, and arrived at the answer: Most of it!.. as long as we still count picking premade things randomly from a list.

So 5 years later, I have a bunch of UI, a turn-based battle system, an overworld with randomly generated dungeons and towns, and a lot of little systems.

I'll be posting about my journey to get this far, and any interesting things that come up as I work on the rest of this game 🙂

An early walk cycle of a generic protagonist… moving forward as I shall with development!
2 likes 3 comments



Interesting! I take it you will be posting here. I'll try to keep up if you do.

I actually like RPG's, but I think it is due to the side quests more than the main stories or dungeon crawls. Will you address that?

October 26, 2023 04:02 PM

@hagerprof I will be posting a bunch more soon!
I agree that the side quests are often the most fun parts, I have a pretty involved dialogue system that should allow me to get creative with quests.. I'll need to come up with a LOT of em if I want them to be random haha

October 30, 2023 03:13 AM

Hey bud, sounds good, can't wait to see the progress! Good luck!

October 29, 2023 03:52 PM
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