Vancouver Canada
The Devlog for The Lost Pages: A Random RPG!
The Lost Pages is an old-school RPG that's all about pseudorandom generation. Everything from the dungeons and towns to the story itself will be randomized!
I've been working on this game for a while, so I should have lots to share :)

One of my main goals when starting this project was to use it as a learning opportunity (and it got me a job, so hey, I guess it worked)! To that end, I was going to avoid using plugins or pre-made things wherever possible. But as I got in to it, I identified a few things that would be too much of…

Hi, I'm Harris (aka BedtimeGuy), the developer of The Lost Pages!
I've been working on this game for about five years now in my spare time, and it's finally getting to the point where I have stuff worth sharing!
The original concept came from a silly argument with friends. I was complaining that RPG…
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