Creating a new RPG

Published March 29, 2022

My first commercial game, Trials of Proelium, has been out for some time and is doing alright. Currently on a 75% sale on Steam if you wish to check it out.

I have, since the release of the game, been both updating it based on feedback, but also planning a new RPG.
My new game's current name is: ‘A Shaman’s ballard'. It tells a story of a shaman apprentice on a pilgrimage to perform Shanar, the rite of initiation to the shaman order. Inspired by real shamanism.

So why the ballard? Well, apart from being a shaman apprentice, the main character is also a music bender using various sound spells to attack opponents with. These spells are also inspired by real life as well, but over-exaggerated for the sake of making fun gameplay.
I have the starting area and first village completed. The second area is currently in progress. I also have the four main characters (protagonist and companions) and their skills ready as well.

The main cast are as follows:

Melody - female human, shaman apprentice / music bender
Sacrista - male elf, wind archer
Aju - male human, shaman priest / shadow bender
Squalus - female half-breed shark, water/lightning magician

What I am improving upon based on feedback for my previous title:

- Even more engaging battlesystems. There are now things like ultimate spells with limited usage, a charge meter (CHA) which fills up with each basic skill usage (increasing the CHA meter increases basic spell attack power and allows you to use more powerful skills at the cost of using up some of your CHA) and skills with multi purpose usage and elements
- Overkill mechanic granting higher EXP for overkilling opponents
- Each character having their own unique passive abilities
-  Enemies are now visible on the maps (instead of random encounters) and will chase players if spotted. Each enemy type can have their own spotting distance and chase speed. If you start a battle by running up behind an enemy, you will get a free attack, but it works the other way around too

If you want to follow the progress and check out more of my stuff, join my server here:

Some screenshots: (Work in progress)




Spooky swamp
Spooky swamp


Pinewood village
Early sketch by Nocturne (


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Mark The Chef

Hey there!

Do you have a music composer on board? I released a small battle music pack if you're interested:




March 30, 2022 09:55 AM

@Mark The Chef Hi!
I don't have a music composer. I don't have a budget for that. I do however buy music packs with already composed music if it suits the theme of the game. I will look at your pack and get it if it fits. Thanks ?

March 30, 2022 12:49 PM
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