Hello gamedev's I hope you are doing great on this wonderful 24th of December.
As threatened in the project post about my puzzle game Squared - Adjacent Stones, I am hereby opening a small dev blog about the game that I released last week. What will this Dev Blog be about?
I am going to post about the futures patches that I will release and I will also do something that in my opinion is really Important. I will post the numbers. Downloads, Ad-Revenue and so on. Why am I doing this? I think most people around here, including myself don't really make money (or even downloads) and many dev's who are new (including myself once again) might have the wrong perception that there will be a lot of attention for the games we make.
To kick-off this Blog post let's make is quick and simple, my game is a puzzle game that involves a bit of abstract thinking. I released it one week ago for IOS & Android (also thinkingg about a PC Version) and postet about it in the projects section. I will leave the “trailer” around here:
In the game you need to gain a certain amount of stones from the grid to win and there can be multiple AI-Opponent that will try to do the same. Most of the levels can be beaten with 3-5 moves, so they are done rather quickly. The best way to win quick is so play combinations. This works by bordering two sides of a neutral (white) stones with your stones, the neutral stone will then change it's color and become yours. This can trigger chain reactions which will give you a chance to gain many stones in one move. The same can be done to enemy stones by bordering 3 sides of it. This will be explained during the tutorial:

During the development I already recorded small bits of the game in the different stages of my progression. I regret not recording more, but I put everything together into a small video that I would like to show you:
For me the decision how the game should look like was the hardest one. I wanted to go with something realistic first, you can see in the video how I applied marble textures to the stones and placed them on a table. But friends told me that for a mobile game I should go for something more simple which I then did. Do you think I should have stayed with something more realistic?
This was the kick-off, I will update this blog with the further development of the game. First I want to add some additional levels, for example I already made maps with 3 AI Opponents possible, but I didn't include any of them so far. Of course I can also increase the grid size further to give more possibilities. In addition I am thinking about a second game mode that works without an opponent. Depending on how the game performs in the stores I might add that as well furthermore a PC Version would be easy to do because I am using unity (and technically I already have a working PC Version on my PC).
That's it for the first post. I want to let the game run for a few more weeks and then I will tell you how many downloads I got and if I earned any money with it. Of course I also want to shamelessly self-promote and provide you a link to the game:
Squared Adjacent Stones Puzzle - Apps on Google Play