The Quest - My first attempt at game design, with non-game-design tools (or experience)

Published June 22, 2021

Hey there!

Some of you already know me as a Sound Designer who usually post videos about my projects, or tutorials. But today is a bit different and a little more directly related to this community.


I am working on this little old school text based video game, but I am actually using web dev tools (nodeJS, MongoDB...). This is just an early demo, but I am trying to reproduce the feel of old adventure games from the early 80's, except for the sound though, where I am aiming for something much more immersive and realistic atmosphere.


Please keep in mind that I am not a game designer, I am a Sound Designer and very recently a Web Developer, so I hope you won't be too harsh with my "game design" non-skills:


By the way there is a coupon code for 80% off of every sound effect from my shop (bamsfx), hidden in the game, if you can find it!

I hope you'll enjoy this short demo!



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