Lessons Learned From Teaching Game Design - I’ve spent the past six months teaching game design at the Cologne Game Lab, a German university dedicated to the study of digital games. In this blog post, I want to share what I’ve learned during the process and condense it down into five practical rules you can apply to improve your own teaching. Lars Kalthoff How we did the tutorial system in Academia: School Simulator, Part 1: SSM - Academia’s tutorial is a linear guided tutorial with step by step progression. By making it linear with step by step progression, it’s easier to turn it into a reusable framework. Coffee Brain Games Unity Keyboard Shortcuts for Faster Game Development - Keyboard shortcuts offer quick access to often used tools and features within an application. Getting to know Unity’s keyboard shortcuts will lead to faster game development. Memorizing just a few of these will have you zooming through the Unity editor with such ease and fluidity some might say “you’re a wizard Harry”. monkeykidgc.com GUI vs GUILayout vs EditorGUI vs EditorGUILayout and When to Use Them – Unity - The Unity GUI API classes are fairly similar, so it’s worth clarifying their use cases. Tangled Reality Studios Texture optimization in Unity 2021.1 - A key focus area for Unity 2021.1, now available in beta, is Editor performance, helping you iterate faster on your project. Texture import and compression optimization is a key part of this. Unity Making an Abandoned German Cafe in Unity - Fabian Denter discussed the production of his latest 3D environment Abandoned German Cafe based on a real location in his hometown. 80.lv Minnaert For People Who Don't Know How To Minnaert - Heya folks! Last time we learned about how to make specular reflections on dark skin look good. In this lesson we're going to take that even farther by learning about a new lighting model that can enhance the way skin, fabric, and other surfaces that are kinda shiny but not actually glossy look. Specifically, we're going to learn how to apply the Minnaert lighting model. Team Dogpit Custom shaders with depth sampling - While making silo27 I had to make a custom shader for some glowing “electrical” water. I had to make some research on how to achieve it, with the depth fades and shoreline effect, how depth pass texture sampling works, so here is a rundown on how the final shader works. edraflame.com How to create a 3d platformer in Unity (Episode 4: Working with Cinemachine) - Now that we have a player character that is able to move and jump, we’re going to have to work on the game camera because. ZAYD CARELSE How To Make A Custom Mouse Cursor - This is a quick guide on how to make a 2D, custom mouse cursor in Unity. There is some Unity documentation on it, which I found partially helpful, but some of the functions didn’t work as expected, so I’m going to share how I got around it. stuartspixelgames.com How to create a camera shake effect in Unity - To create a compelling story, different mechanisms are used, one of them is the camera shake effect, used to portray some kind of violence like a bomb going off or you being shot at. konaduakwasiakuoko.medium.com How to Create a Press Kit for Your Mobile Game (and Why You Really Should) - A press kit makes it easy for journalists and reviewers to write about your game. Here’s how to put a press kit together and how to use it. gameanalytics.com Unity Releases - Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 7 and Unity 2021.2.0 Alpha 5 have been released. Unity Jobs
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