A lightning round of great tips for 2D games - Are you planning to make a 2D game with Unity? Then take a look at these handy tips from our 2D Technical Product Manager Rus Scammell and 2D Product Marketing Manager Eduardo Oriz, that will help you get started quickly and work efficiently throughout your entire project. Unity Animate a Character - Learning how to animate a character is a pivotal part of creating a game. Animations breathe life into your game and can influence a player’s emotions and responses. Have a character wince when they get hurt and the player instantly understands what happened and that they should avoid it. Making the character bob up and down and lean forward while running and the game instantly feels faster. This can all be done with animations. monkeykidgc.com Stairs - A Long Thread about stairs! Wohoooooo! Tommy Norberg @the_Norberg How to Use Occlusion Culling in Unity — The Sneaky Way - Rendering unnecessary elements is making your scenes look worse than they could. The Gamedev Guru Linear Interpolation - This tutorial will explore one of the most used Mathematical tools in Game Development: linear interpolation! This first post will focus on its Mathematical definition and implementation. The following parts of this series will explore how to extend linear interpolation to non-linear mappings, and how to use them to correct colour curves. Alan Zucconi Game Design: Making Intuitive Tutorials for your Games - In creating our games, we always need to keep in mind how we’re going to teach the player the mechanics of the game. How are we going to teach them how to control the player, how to engage with the game’s systems, and what the story of the game is? gamedevacademy.org The importance of a game design document & how to create one – part 2 - In the previous part of the post, we’ve introduced you to the most important reasons to create a game design document in your project, using three examples: personal project, internal project, and commission work. In this part, we would like to present you with a basic game design document template we’ve created with the use of our experience in different types of internal and outsourced projects. blog.theknightsofunity.com Introducing Shader Graph’s new Master Stack - In Unity 2020.2, we introduced several new features in Shader Graph that improved the workflow for artists. For example, by refining the user experience overall and introducing the Graph Inspector, Graph Editor performance has been greatly improved. As the end point of the Graph, the Master Stack is now a modular collection of feature blocks, replacing the monolithic Master Node. Unity RectMask2D - Use RectMask2D instead of Mask component to mask rectangular elements of your UI. RectMask2D does not use stencil buffer and produces less amount of extra draw calls. FantaJI Games @FantaJIGames unitytips: Hierarchy Window Group Header - You can create a visual header to any group of components on your hierarchy window using EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI: diegogiacomelli.com.br Localizing Unity Games with the Official Localization Package - Learn how to use Unity’s first-party localization package to make your games available to the world. phrase.com Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 6 - Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 6 has been released. Unity Jobs
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