Creating Stylized Combat VFX in The Legend of Zelda Style - Soenke Seidel discussed step-by-step how he made a stylized combat effect in Unity based on the swirling cloud dissolution FX in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Generating meshes procedurally in Unity - Making a mesh is not always the right solution, but in Unity, it is surprisingly easy, and in this post I describe the basics. Developing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Unity - Since demand for realtime data is growing steadily, and with Unity being an established and widely used engine and framework, I think it’s worth looking at some of the many challenges of implementing a dependable client-side WebSocket solution for Unity. Designing a Versatile Planet Shader for Crying Suns - I was given the task to build a shader for planets and stars. We are a small team, so the shader was meant to be easily maintainable and extensible, as well as explicit and versatile enough for the artists to work on their own most of the time. Color Theory for Game Art Design – The Basics - When you make your game from scratch it is usually a good idea to stick to certain self-imposed rules in order to prototype faster. It may sound like a counterproductive idea but working with a limited set of colors and graphical constraints will make your assets development much easier. In this article I’m going to describe some crucial guidelines I came across during my research on color theory. Unity-Built-In-Attributes - A list of built in Unity Attributes. teebarjunk Unity Lerp - Using Unity’s Lerp methods can be quite confusing and error prone if done incorrectly. Despite this they are a vital part of creating a game. Allowing for smooth movement and transitions between things like positions, rotations, and even colors. You may want to use a lerp to fade the screen to black, rotate NPCs to look at the player, or transition a character sprite to green when they are poisoned. PreferBinarySerialization - Unity Tip – Use binary serialization on a ScriptableObject using the attribute [PreferBinarySerialization]. Useful for types that contain large amounts of data. Can improve read/write performance and produce more compact disk representations. Adam Graham @Zigurous IK Rigging In Blender - IK rigging super basics in Blender- just wanted to share the most useful thing I finally bothered to learn last year, and was seriously a great slippery slope towards learning more about rigging in general! Ian Hubert @Mrdodobird LEGO Ideas - Build Your Own Game - Running until March 15, LEGO Ideas has opened up a contest for Unity x LEGO Microgame creators to submit their games to the platform and show them off to the world. In addition to receiving the limited edition Minifigure, two grand prize winners will receive an incredible collection of LEGO and Unity goodies. LEGO Ideas Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 4 - Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 4 has been released. Unity Jobs
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