Organic Variety - Making the Artificial Look Natural. This is the seventh tutorial in a series about learning the basics of working with Unity. In it we'll adjust our fractal so it ends up looking more organic than mathematical. Grass Geometry Shader with Interactivity (Part 2, the editor tool) - Here are finally the 2 scripts that let you paint the grass from the Geometry Grass Shader Part 1 post The first script does the actual painting, the second script is a custom editor Minions Art Pottery Simulator - This pottery simulator is all done using shaders Exploding head Here's a thread of how I did it Daniel Beauchamp @pushmatrix Introduction to Modding Unity Games With Addressables - Use Unity Addressables to make it easy to let users create mods, enhancing the user experience and expressing their creativity through your game. A Practical Intro to Covariance and Contravariance in C# - I will discuss what it exactly means for a type to be covariant, contravariant or invariant, how are those terms represented via the in and out keywords, the semantics of the so called input and output positions, and how all of this can make our types more flexible and useful. State machines are wonderful tools - I love when my current problem can be solved with a state machine. They’re fun to design and implement, and I have high confidence about correctness. GameTune: Introducing reinforcement learning for optimizing the player lifecycle - Across the board, we’ve found that developers have significant interest in using machine learning to fine-tune a game from a truly objective perspective. We built GameTune to do exactly that: to offer a machine learning solution so developers can improve game performance on a scientific basis. Unity Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 3 - Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 3 has been released. Unity Jobs
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New beta a good news ?