I think my mobile app, Terra Imperium is developed enough at this point where I believe I can showcase things about it professionally. The game was heavily inspired by Pokemon Go, and since that initial spark of inspiration has deviated heavily. Instead of collecting Pokemon, you are collecting blueprints to be used for the production of weapons and military vehicles like trucks, tanks, and planes, to conquer real-life locations around you. These weapons and vehicles are no good without soldiers to operate them, so you will also be recruiting soldiers to fight for your faction's cause. There are four factions in Terra Imperium, the democratic Allies, the fascist Axis, the communist Comintern, and the monarchist/imperialist Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere (GEACPS).

Your troops will be grouped into Units with varying equipment and jobs to do in the field of battle. Examples include infantrymen, medics, tanks, and aircraft (fighters and bombers). They will be equipped with real-life weapons, vehicles, and equipment from the era and can be mixed and matched, allowing for dozens of different combinations.

I plan on updating this regularly, so expect more blog updates!
Nice design - I like to see this when finished.