C# Updates for the Absent C# Developer (C# 6.0 and newer overview) - It has been a while since I actively developed in C#. I mostly worked with C# and .NET during the 3.0 to 4.5 days and I did async/await work very early on, so I skip over that as well. After a job change, I didn’t touch C# for actual work. I mostly just watched the development from the sidelines via news. Today, I take a short look at some features. Gamlor's Blog Unity.Mathematics vs Mathf. - Unity’s Mathf is not 100% replacable with its burst-friendly Unity.Mathematics . Also Unity.Mathematics evolves all the time. By now you are reading this something might have changed. gametorrahod.com Continuous Deployment for Unity WebGL Games - Last time, we discussed the basics of how to ensure that Unity WebGL can run in a production environment, and now it’s time to dive further into that topic. Today, we’ll be going step-by-step on how to set up continuous deployment for a Unity WebGL production build. studios.nomoss.co Automate your playtesting: Create Virtual Players for Game Simulation - It’s easy to automate playtesting by creating a Virtual Player (a game-playing agent), then using Game Simulation to run automated playtests at scale. Read on to discover three case studies describing how iLLOGIKA, Furyion, and Ritz Deli created Virtual Players – offloading nearly 40,000 hours (~4.5 years) of automated playtesting to Game Simulation. Unity Automated 2D Animation Creation - If you’re familiar at all with Unity animations and the animation controller, you already know the entire workflow can be very repetitive for each new asset you add to your project. The solution I have is specifically for 2D, but I’m sure this can be done similarly for 3D as well. phantom-games.com Jobs - Animating a Fractal - This is the sixth tutorial in a series about learning the basics of working with Unity. This time we'll create an animating fractal. We begin with a regular game object hierarchy and then slowly transition to the jobs system, measuring performance along the way. catlikecoding.com Hands-on: Predicting players' thinking - In response to the comments I received on the series Putting into play, I have produced a set of patterns showing the hands-on structuring of narrative and cognitive elements. Katarina Gyllenback ProBuilder Tutorial: Rapid Prototyping in Unity - ProBuilder is a Unity in-editor prototyping tool that has everything you need to block out your level and create new game worlds in the blink of an eye. This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to use it. raywenderlich.com Find best-in-class third-party products with the Unity Verified Solutions Partner (VSP) program - Verified Solutions Partners (VSPs) are vetted and endorsed by Unity – which means they can help you make your workflows even more seamless as you build and scale your experiences with confidence. Unity Reflection Backed Debug Menu - Anyone familiar with Unity should already be aware of how useful the editor’s inspector menu can be. It allows you to modify (almost) any data members of your object even while running the game in play mode. phantom-games.com PostProcessBuildAttribute - Use the PostProcessBuildAttribute to call scripts when a build was finished. Look at the image, on how to append the version to the filename. Useful for mobile apps to keep track of the deployed version! Binary Impact @BinaryImpactG Using Unity UI for in-game HUDs - This article covers how to implement a basic U ser I nterface on Unity using Unity UI to display info to players. dev.to Grass Geometry Shader with Interactivity (Part 1, the shader) - Here is finally the interactive grass geometry shader. This part is the shader itself, it will work on meshes like planes, next part will be an editor script to paint the grass where you want it. Minions Art Making a Glass Shader, Part 2: Highlights & Reflections - When we last left off, we had a shiny reflective shader with transparency and distortion, and we're basically 90% of the way to the look we want, but we're probably only halfway through the work. Team Dogpit Jobs
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