Demo update! Version 0.5.3: Improved quests and introduction

posted in Zuurix for project Light of the Locked World
Published November 27, 2020 Imported
This update adds an introduction cutscene and improves the available story quests.

Other changes:

- Improved Arrow Wall ability.
- Added the overworld system.
- Added Deserter Flat: An overworld area between Eastern Trilith and Moonrise Desert.
- Improved the start of the game: Fixed bugs, improved graphics.
- Gave interactive characters overhead icons.
- Archer's equipment crate now contains an arc instead of a bow.
- Ria now moves to a more correct position when speaking with the player.
- Made minor improvements to quest's dialogues.
- Replaced quest events with the new moment and encounter systems.
- The second rogue player meets is no longer aggressive.
- It will become aggressive if the player steals from the nearby crates. Stealing tutorial, kind of.
- Colored important parts of the quest log text.
- Fixed missing shadows and missing building tile inside 2nd Strategic Fortification.
- Reduced bow damage.
- Renamed "Gold" to "Guldens". To not be confused with "Gold" as a material. Plus, more unique.
- Rogues now have 100 less health. To make it easier for the new players.
- Fixed bug: Having a full inventory will no longer destroy items inside loot containers.
- Reduced the amount of loot - the inventory won't fill up as fast now. It really was a problem.

In the next update: Third story quest!

Have fun!

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