November 3
Let's get right into it!
As I mentioned in the previous entry, I have to change the development plan in order to complete the game faster.
I want to have version 1.0 in early 2022/late 2021.
That means that I have to drop more content. The content that takes the most time is areas. I've dropped a lot of areas already but just making fewer areas won't help this time.
If I removed more areas, I'd have to decrease the "size" of a story as well.
Can't have a global conspiracy without areas from all over the world.
Luckily, I came up with a solution: Instead of removing areas, simplify them!
In my game's case, the areas that aren't absolutely necessary to the game's story will be moved to an overworld.
This is inspired by an overworld in Wastelands 2.
Without an overworld, in order to let player access areas, I have to make areas between those areas as well, even if they aren't necessary for the story.
For example, I don't really need Eir Meadows for the story, but I have to make that area because otherwise, players won't be able to get to the city of Luma. Which I absolutely need.
There are definitely other solutions, but I feel like the overworld is the most elegant one.
It keeps the story intact.
I'm also changing my approach to developing the story. Previously the idea was to create all of the version 1.0 areas, then populate them with quests.
After making the Eastern Trilith area, I don't think that's a good idea anymore.
It's better to have a clear goal when designing an area.
So now the priority is the story - I'll only make areas that are required for the quests.
And so the new short-term plan looks like this:
- Overworld system.
- Overworld area: "Deserter Flat".
- Introduction cutscene.
- Introduction improvements.
- Improve 1st story quest.
- 2nd story quest: "Unemployment Crisis".
- Incorporate "Wanted Dead" into "Unemployment Crisis".
- Polish.
- Release the new demo version.
November 4
November 5
Improved the overworld graphically:
I'm now happy with how it looks, going to work on the introduction cutscene now.
November 7
I've been wrapping some things up. Now that it's done, I'm back to working 100% on LOTLW.
So, yeah, introduction cutscene.
After the player starts the game and creates a character, the cutscene will play.
First, it'll introduce the players to the game's universe: Magic, the Linked Worlds, Order Tempest, tainted lead, all the cool stuff =]
After that, you'll see for the first time the portal malfunction!
I will not be sharing the cutscene until after the next demo is released to keep things exciting. That means the entry will be a bit quiet for at least a few days.
November 8
So after a few hours of work, I decided to not make an introduction to the game's universe.
It's quite wordy, probably not required for the player to understand the story, and I really struggled to make it work.
The idea was to show text and have simple animations that would illustrate the text:
"Several things had to happen before it became possible for your life to change this way."
"Year ???: Discovery of magic."
"It happened so long ago that no one knows anymore where or when the first spells were cast."
[Glyps appear around the image of a world and then fade away]
[The camera moves away from the image]
"Year 774: Invention of the World Gates."
"The invention lead to the emergence of something that never existed before: A network of worlds."
[Camera moves to a group of worlds]
[Gate icons appear on them and lines connect them]
[Camera moves, more and more connected worlds enter the view]
"Year 787: Linked world wars"
"A cascade of conflicts that scarred the worlds. Something had to be done."
[Worlds shatter]
[Lines become broken]
"Year 864: Creation of Order Tempest",
"And something was done. Order Tempest, an organization to enforce peace was formed."
[Order Tempest flag icons appear near the world images]
"Year 884: Legalization of the tainted lead use"
"But to be effective Order Tempest had to gain the power to isolate worlds that did not want peace."
"Fortunately to the Order, the alchemists have created the tainted lead, a material that has teleportation disrupting effect."
[More worlds with the Order's flags]
"Year 928: Beginning of Kayos lockdown"
"Kayos was the first of the worlds to become disconnected from the Linked Worlds."
[Camera moves to the world of Kayos image]
[World linking animation plays]
"It was colonized because of useful crystals that turned out to have the nasty property of making people insane."
"The Order was forced to use the tainted lead and Kayos became the Locked World."
[The link lines disappear]
[Camera moves away to an image of a world with a gate]
"Year 1106: Your arrival to the Locked World."
"Figuratively all the stars in the Universe had to align for that to happen."
"You managed to get your hands on a voucher for something that was called seal charms."
"You were told that you can exchange it in the world of Ocia."
"All you needed to do is to use the World Gate and walk a bit."
[Camera stops]
[Screen fades to black]
I think I'll explain this in different ways - lore books inside the game and dialogues with NPCs, so nothing will be lost.
I was excited about making this cutscene, so I am a little disappointed. But considering how hard it was going to be to make text synchronize with the animations, make the animations, etc., it's probably the right call.
Not to mention that asking players to do so much reading so early in the game is not the best idea. The dialogue with the immigrant greeter is already a bit much.
So, yeah, I choose to be okay with this.
Going to take this as another lesson in not doing things, which is difficult for me, hah.
November 10
Did a lot of progress with the portal malfunction cutscene. Nothing to show yet, even if I wanted to spoil it.
It's going well, this cutscene is working, unlike the previous one.
November 11
More progress! Should be done soon.
The biggest news today is that the game has 700 wishlists now! Thank you =]
November 12
I think I was working on graphics this time.
November 13
Today I was working on cutscene's animations and audio.
Most of it works now, I could even probably say that it's done, but it still doesn't click for me.
November 14
Wasn't at home, no progress. Just going to post this entry since it's about time I've done that.
So far November has been a non-stop challenge, it's one of those dark times in development when weeks fly by and progress is too damn slow.
Got to say that I've been feeling less happy than usually and that's reflected in the amount of time I was able to work.
Will have to power though it. The improved plan and reduced content will help a lot.
Anyway, that is it.
Thanks for reading and until next time!