I've just pushed a small demo update.
It has a new small tutorial to help people start the game properly, new music, and main menu artwork.
Maybe more, I honestly don't remember =P
Development update for the full version
SPOILER WARNING: Endgame and story spoilers.
It's been a couple of months since the last development update, so I want to briefly summarize what I'm working on.
Since LOTLW Devblog #36: The Stronghold, I have fully implemented the 9th story quest: Ordinary Ways.
This quest introduced a new area: Contingency Point No. 1, new consumable items, a "secret boss" with a very unique reward item, and a new ability.
After all of this, I began working on the endgame area of the game: The fallen city of Korrev.
It started on September 17th, when I designed the main area of the Korrev:
After that, I had to choose colors and themes for the city tileset.
I've settled on the "Dune City" tileset.
It may look a bit unimpressive in this mock-up, but once I've done it'll be much more detailed, colorful, and fitting for a melancholic city area.
This is how the building of the Korrev has been going:
After reaching this point with the Korrev progress, I have put it on hold to implement a small tutorial.
And now you've all caught up!
From now on, I'll be diving deep into the building, which I am quite excited to do!
Until next time!