Hey guys. First of all happy new year! May this year be a merry and successful one. Be thankful for another year and take a resolution to not make any resolutions!
So aside from that, I have some not so good news... Recently, one of our pet cats has been losing weight a lot and knowing her 12 years of age things didn't look great...
After a visit from the vet, the bad news felt: my elderly cat was diagnosed with feline infectious peritonitis or FIP for short.
This disease is caused by a mutated strain of the feline enteric coronavirus or FCoV for short. It infects the host trough litter boxes and causes the system to accumulate fluids in their body. The unmutated virus is especially prevalent in places densely populated with cats, like in cat shelters or refuges. Unfortunately, for some unknown reasons, the virus sometimes mutate. This is especially true for very young and very old cats.
When the FCoV mutates, its infection is mostly fatal. There are no known treatments nor vaccines. This was quite a shock to take in, especially during the holidays.
And with the busy holidays didn't help at all... So I needed time to think about and mourn my cat.
Thus there was no update last week. I hope you understand. My cat means a lot to me, and I have to accept that it might die at any point. It was hard to stay focus and work...
Nevertheless, I'm planning to get back to work next week.
And again, I hope you all had a happy holiday. So see you next week...