Ecks Type - Side Scroller Challenge

Published May 28, 2019

I heard about the GameDev challenge quite a while ago but I wasn't sure if I'd have enough time to complete an entry. This weekend I decided to give it a go. I was planning on just working on it in secret and submitting it if I succeeded... But apparently some gamedev people read my twitter feed so the cat's out of the bag now. It's due on June 1st so I didn't give myself much time to complete it. Here's hoping I can complete it in time since @Rutin found out my secret on twitter. >.<

I made decent progress on Sunday and Monday. It's definitely not a game yet but the basics are starting to come together. 


I have a simple menu, Move Patterns, Shoot Patterns, Enemies, and Collision working. I still need to do Enemy Waves, Levels, SoundEffects, Music, Powerups, and polish. Sounds like a lot but I think I have the tough problems solved, and I'm using a bunch of assets from a Humble Bundle so it should come together pretty quickly.

Scriptable Objects

I try to data drive my programs and I was planning on doing it with XML again. However, Unity made some improvements to ScriptableObjects over the last few versions so I thought I'd give Unity's them a try for this simple project. I really hate the name ScriptableObject... The name gave me a mental block which made it harder to learn the system. I wish they would have called it DataObject or something similar. It's just a data file, but the name ScriptableObject threw me for a loop. Learn more about them here: 

I have a simple MovePattern class which is one segment of a MoveSequence. It has a duration, a direction, and a speed. A sequence is made up of a list of MovePatterns and lets you specify whether its play once or a loop. Here is what it looks like:


I have similar data structures for Shooting, and enemy spawning. An Enemy is made up of a sprite, a move pattern, and a shoot pattern. We just reference these ScriptableObjects(data files) the same way we'd point to a prefab on disk. When I release the game, I'll put my code in a zip or git repo where anyone can download and mess with it.

I like how easy it is to use the ScriptableObjects to throw something together. You can use the editor to create new data files and configure them in the inspector. However the end user won't be able to edit these things without jumping through a few hoops. If it was just an xml or json file in the StreamingAssets folder the end user could easily just edit those files and mod your game. For real applications I'll probably stick to actual data files instead of ScriptableObjects but for some quick and dirty stuff like a game jam, this was pretty slick.

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Next up - project Autoduel?

May 28, 2019 09:09 PM

I really want to make a computerized Car Wars port. That itch has gotten even worse after playing recently. I don't have enough free time to seriously pursue it yet but it's something I plan to do one of these days.


May 28, 2019 10:30 PM

car that takes me back....

and then watching the video for dark future caused some Auto Assault flashbacks

May 28, 2019 11:14 PM

Aw man Auto Assault was good stuff. :) This journal post is turning into a post-apocalyptic car duel extravaganza.

May 29, 2019 12:53 AM

Convoy ( satisfied the itch for a good amount of time.

But I miss Autoduel & Roadwar 2000/Europa - such fun games!  Racing Destruction Set is another that I spent far too much time playing :D


May 29, 2019 02:18 AM

Holy cow Racing Destruction Set. You must be as old as me. I played that on the Atari 800 XL and the Commodore 64. I didn't get a chance to play Autoduel or Roadwar but they both look amazing.

May 29, 2019 02:07 PM

I may be a little older ?  But it does sound like we may be minted in the same era ;)


May 29, 2019 07:38 PM
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