I finally came back to my Gaslands side project after about a year. For those that don't know, Gaslands is a turn-based table-top miniatures game where you modify toy cars to look like Mad Max vehicles. The goals of a game changes based on the scenario, but in general you move around with special M…

Lately I've been working on a computerized version of GasLands just for fun. Gaslands is a turn-based table-top miniatures game where you modify toy cars to look like Mad Max vehicles. The goals of a game changes based on the scenario, but in general you move around with special Maneuver Templates …

Last weekend, I got the start of a maneuver template system working and I felt like writing a game dev journal about it. Specifically, I thought it might be interesting to talk about some of my failures while I was working on it. Usually we see solution articles after the problem is already solved.…

I started running Hoard of the Dragon Queen on Roll 20 for some friends and family. I haven't posted on here in a while, but I felt like writing a bit about it so here I am. ? For those of you who don't know, Hoard of the Dragon Queen is one of the first (or maybe the first?) D&D campaign/modul…

I played my first game of table-top BattleTech in 1989 and absolutely fell in love with the game. Mechwarriors piloting huge stompy robots shooting the crap out of each other with lasers, missiles, cannons was just so cool and really struck a chord with me. Since then I've played nearly every incar…

I'm Chris Eck, and I'm the tools developer at HBS for the Battletech project. I've recently been given permission to write up articles about some of the things I work on which I hope to post on a semi regular basis. Feel free to ask questions about these posts or give me suggestions for future top…

It's been a while since my last developer journal. Mainly because I've been doing lots of things besides development. I've been playing lots of video games: Borderlands 2, Battletech, Master of Orion 2, and Blood Bowl 2. I've been doing lots of Blood Bowl and Twilight Imperium stuff including writ…

For this short holiday week, there wasn't really much to talk about on the Battletech front. I'm fixing minor/safe bugs and waiting on QA to run my Dynamic enum through the ringer. But on the personal project front, I do have an announcement. I started working on a computerized port of Car Wars du…