? Legit, I was having some idea issues recently and when i start up Unity and I want to see what the 2D Free Sprite pack has to offer... They just happen to have all the pieces you'd need for a launcher/angry birds type of game ? I think it has been decided! I'm going to throw objects from left to right and some other things shall happen too!
You can't even make this stuff up ? was really scratching my head and just oomph.. "have a slingshot and throw stuff with physics!!" is definitely something a gamedev guardian angel would totally say.
I really like how 'simple' it felt to set up the ability to have something scroll with your 'camera'/'view'.. I missed using Unity, I think I last used it when it was 4 or 5... I don't remember. I'm not going to throw out like an angry birds clone and expect anything to happen BUT for the sake of learning I might as well make one, I mean heck, I could make the angry birds clone stuff to figure out the launching, get used to the physics, then make a linear launching game or even vertical... or both ? I'm just going to make everythinggggg lol.
Of course though I start placing out objects and I forget to add the physics stuff... Ye old Rigidbody and Box Collider thing...... -.- but yeah I think its really cool how 'simple' it is to 'start' with physics in here... I think the key being that rigidbody element.. it might be the same as marking an object as 'physics' object in the object manager popup in game maker but in Unity its like right there... I love it! I'm sure you can 'dock' windows in Game Maker to make some work station look like this or however you'd choose but you know. Lets pretend you can't for the sake for argument ? I'm having fun!