Week 20; Options Menu, SOSopedia, Stats, and Store

Published August 01, 2018 Imported

Hey All,

We  now just finished week 20 of development.  It’s amazing to actually see how much we have accomplished in 5 months, and to see what was in my head actually playable and alive.  We are down to the last final weeks.  I would like to have everything done in the next 2 weeks and by week 22 have the release build sent to Apple for approval.  If everything goes as planned we will release the game on September 18th.  With the first game content update arriving shortly after that.

Wife is still in the hospital but she is on the road to recovery.  Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers, it has been a tough 16 days.

Here is the Week 20 Change log:

  • Completely re-hauled the options menu
    • re organized, cleaned up, and changed some screenshots and text on the how to play category
    • added an SOSopedia
      • description of enemies, boss, items, and hazards
        • all the enemies and bosses now have names!
      • also the home of the games credits (these are not complete yet, just an empty screen right now)
    • added audio section
      • you can now turn off music and or SFX
      • your own music can play in the background if you turn all audio off (both music and SFX)
  • Added more sounds
    • we almost have the sounds complete only need about 5 more SFX.  Luis is wrapping up on that now.
  • further testing on chapter 2 levels, making necessary tweaks and bug fixes as they are found.  The entire randomization engine has been updated for Chapter 2.
    • testing just needs to be done.
  • fixed the loot drop % from grass, was too high.
  • created pharmacy shop menu (Store)
    • you can permanently increase heart by 1 (can be purchased twice, second time more expensive)
    • you can permanently increase stamina by 1 (can be purchased twice, second time more expensive)
    • upgrade the medical cabinet in game store to version 2.0.  This lowers all prices by 1/2.
    • start every run with 1 firecracker in inventory
    • Only thing to add is the 1 and only IAP.  This will be some in game currency for  $1.99.  Talking with DanaFarber on donating some of the IAP profits to them.
  • Created Official Game Icon
  • Added Game Stats to Game Over Screen (I am really excited about this, I like stats)
    • shows how long your run was
    • how many germs defeated that run
    • how many germs defeated total
    • and total amount of games played
  • Created a new player sprite for item found
    • will implement this animation shortly.
  • Updated, Polished, and Completed all the secret rooms for Chapter 1.  
  • Created Boss 1 defeat animation and reward.  Also transition to Chapter 2 complete
  • Created sprite and object for fence piece in chapter 2 that leads to secret room
  • updated pause/inventory screen with a visual for how to select items

Next 2 weeks will def be busy trying to get the rest done, but in reality there really is not much more to do for the initial release.


Here is a video showing off the new layout in options.  Showing the SOSopedia screens and the Pharmacy, store for permanent upgrades.

Second video here is showing off the updated pause/inventory screen, final prices on medical cabinet before store 2.0 upgrade, and the game over screen with stats. I have a lot of hearts for debugging and testing purposes.

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