Why go rogue?
Eighteen months ago I started working on a simple roguelike adventure. I've always been intrigued by randomly generated dungeons but the thought of coding one seemed so daunting. Thankfully there's vast amount of tutorials out there if you plan on working with GameMaker. Checking out HeartBeast and Shaun Spalding on YouTube is a great place to start. Here's a reference of what the game looked like last year.
Swapping heroes
I planned on adding this much later in the game but it was too much fun to make players wait. Whenever you are prototyping a game it's important to "find the fun". Keep trying new things until you're happy with the result. It also helped curve out the difficulty for casual players (the easier difficulty lets you tag in an ally on your first death).
Enchanted Weapons
Adding variety is the key to making an exciting dungeon crawler. More options == More fun interactions
Redesigned level layout
Traditionally roguelikes start you off at level 1 every time you play. This can feel discouraging after awhile since it feels like you're not making any progress. On top of that backtracking can feel like a chore. That's why I chopped up the dungeon into bite sized pieces. Don't be afraid to change standard mechanics if they don't fit you're game.
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Great tips, especially "Find the fun". I wish there was a better formula for it, but mostly it's just trial and error until you finally capture it.
Awesome looking game by the way.