So yeah, I basically needed a name for my game for the jam. The original was called "1 Room Demon Slayer", as it was created for the 1 room rpg jam. So now I've removed the "1 room" part. And as there will be two player characters, the "Slayer" part got renamed into "Slayers". Mind. Blown.
7DRL 2018 progress on "Demon Slayers" so far:
- [~50% done] Introduce new graphics, possibly animated ones
- [done] Introduce two player-controlled characters
- Dumb-down the ammo mechanic to the same approach that was present in XCOM (the player simply needs to reload a weapon after X shots; there will be no ammo items/drops in the game)
- Introduce "crates": tiles that are not passable, but ranged attacks are possible through them.
- Introduce % to hit mechanics. 95% is the base value. 0% if path is obstructed. 50% is the path goes through a "crate" that the target is next to.
- [done] Remove the mechanics of merging the enemies from low tier into upper tier; alter the enemy spawning mechanics so that enemies of different tier can be spawned
- (nice-to-have) randomize the level creation
Anyway, I got the opportunity to do some coding for the Jam. I did manage to introduce two player characters. User can switch them using the "tab" button. Man, that was some hard work - the previous version of the game did not have any code base that would be ready to handle more than one player-controlled entity. It is now working though!
I have also removed the gameplay mechanic that was responsible for merging enemies into higher-tier units. Currently the AI only focuses on reaching the closest player character and perform a melee attack on them.
Also, as you might seen on the gif above, I have replaced the player and enemy character images with my own ones! Ones that actually have an idle animation! Sweet!
I guess that the next thing to focus on is to make sure that the shooting mechanics are using the cover system.
Take care!