I'm back, and now with a Steam Store page.

Published November 23, 2017

Alright, I took a long hiatus because I was tired and starting to feel burnout. Now I'm back and ready to give this final push that is needed.

First thing first, I have a steam store page set up!



Which is good, now people can wishlist the game. Currently I'm at 69 whislist which is too low. I need at least x100 that, so a lot of promotion needs to happen.

The other thing that comes with the site is that now I have a shipping date: February 22nd.

It might change based on toehr releases, but I think it's a pretty good estimation for realease, and I definitely need to have finished by that date.

I thought having a site would bring a good ammount of people to visit my site, but that was not what happend (at least in my experience). I had a lot of exposure the first couple of days (around 400+ people per day) but then it fell to around 10 to 20 per day. Which is very little. Here's the graph:


The 2 spikes that you can see are some flux I managed to bring based on some reddit comments, but the wishlist number did not increase those days, so basically I didn't bring customer's eyes to the site.


Anyway. Currently I'm working on a couple of game breaking bugs that have been bothering me for years but I haven't had the chance to fix them. Wish me luck.


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