WoA: Too disappointed to participate again?

Published August 30, 2017

Yes, that is true, I'm too disappointed at judgment to participate again. This was the 3rd year of our participation and the best of the three years. The first 2 years we did not make time to finish the game, we did not have artists to do the art, and we got bad results, but this year we put our best effort, most of our time and finished the game with almost no bugs.

First rant

Some judges don't really put the effort, even biased on games, yes the game might be unappealing at first experience, or may at all (there are scores dedicated for these problems), but a judge has agreed to put time, put effort and do his best to look at every single point of the game, becoming a judge is a commitment, it not for fun. Even I as a community reviewer finished some of the games I know judges who didn't.

Also as a judge, one should put the effort to fully read the blogs, read other judges' reviews, watch the videos and all that there is to be done, yet the judgment this year was lacking it.

Second rant

There were supposed to be 4 scores one from each judge, and the best 3 would be averaged, which this chance was take from us, coz one of the judges did not submit, or maybe due to technical problems the submission were not saved, but that in itself shows the lack of commitment, to check your own submissions. The judgment is highly biased on people's opinion, this is completely true, just obvious by look at the judgments and of course understandable, so having more judges widens the opinion variety, and normalizes the bias. The lack of submission just took away this chance.


Agreeing to becoming a judge is a commitment, I really appreciate the holding of the event, the sponsors, and the judges, but the other side of the competition, the contestants are valuable as well, and their efforts are even more valuable, and not putting effort to fully understand the game, is just a disrespect to the contestants who put effort on the game. Most of this might be due to lack of time for the judges, but as I said, it's a commitment, you should not commit, if you're not sure you can do it. I have always enjoyed participating, but feeling the disregard against the effort, I don't really think it's any good to participate any more.


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Looks like the WoA people just found a volunteer to be a judge next year.

August 30, 2017 10:32 PM

Yes why not be a judge yourself next year?

Re Rant1: Personally I don't believe a judge would need to play a game through to completion to accurately award the categories. Ideally they would play more than the bare minimum, sure, but attaining 100% might not even be feasible.

Re Rant2: While tis unfortunate jbadams was unable to submit his scores before the cutoff don't forget that it affected all entries not just yours. Imagine if 3 judges had been the plan all along then you wouldn't even feel slighted. So maybe don't sweat the small stuff?

I do agree more judge scores would likely reduce the influence of anomalous results on the overall average. Having said that, a small number of judges who bias against various traits adds a dynamic to the competition. For example Riu is obviously a graphics guy and conceivably you could exploit that fact or it could sting you hard! If we had a bio for each judge it would help with that.


You guys made a good game. It has flappy-bird-esque difficulty, good graphics, it's entertaining to watch other people play, the idea is novel, it's complete and bug-free! Don't be disappointed, be proud!

August 31, 2017 11:08 PM
On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 3:38 AM, dmatter said:

While tis unfortunate jbadams was unable to submit his scores before the cutoff don't forget that it affected all entries not just yours. Imagine if 3 judges had been the plan all along then you wouldn't even feel slighted. So maybe don't sweat the small stuff?

Having considered 4 judges, the final result was supposed to be the average of the top 3 scores. Maybe having 3 judges would change that decision in the first place.


On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 3:38 AM, dmatter said:

Personally I don't believe a judge would need to play a game through to completion to accurately award the categories. Ideally they would play more than the bare minimum, sure, but attaining 100% might not even be feasible.

I do agree that 100% might not be feasible or not even necessary but a reasonable percentage of game should be reviewed, I myself think this did not happen.

September 03, 2017 06:23 AM
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