Components of a program need to communicate with each other. In messaging design pattern this communication is done via sending and processing messages. A third party component called messenger stands between different components and does the task of passing proper …
Yes, that is true, I'm too disappointed at judgment to participate again. This was the 3rd year of our participation and the best of the three years. The first 2 years we did not make time to finish the game, we did not have artists to do the art, and we got bad results, but this year we put our b…
IYP Bot started as a human behavior mimicking bot, and ended up with an unintended idea. The idea of a general bot that could be programed with a few command over the chat. But for this idea to be implemented I needed to refactor all the existing chat bots and make a genera…
So today our artists finished the art, we applied it, finished the menu, save and polished out stuff, then did a little optimization and the rest (the last 3 hours that only I was awake of the whole team) I spent on debugging. This year we had 2 artist and I really thank them for the amazing art t…
So lot's of progress today, the game is almost complete, some little work tomorrow and will submit, good luck to ever one XD.
Also here's a video of me running around in nearly complete second level, with new dominoes and towers XD, some new HUD as well XD, check it out.
Also today was mostly spe…
So progress was again slow today, the tutorial was completed, and some part of the scoring was implemented, and a few little things were done, I also added some shitty sound effects that are probably going to be replaced later. So we decided to release a second WIP version, we didn't post the firs…
So more than half of the competition is over, today we made some good progress, are artists made the character and a dice model for the start and end points of the first level, not gonna show that now though, just a picture , a big thanks to them, love their stuff. We almost finished second level …
So today the progress was slow, first we had git problems and then some build problems, but we still had fair amount of progress how ever our todo list just kept getting bigger and bigger .
We worked one menus, fixed some bugs, did some optimizations, discussed second level and worked a little on…
So we had a good progress today, i implemented the jump helper so the jumps are easier, newt implemented the menus and few other stuff and the artists started working on the character model. So it may not seem much of a progress but it is XD. With the jump helper implemented i feel a huge weight l…
So we decided to go with a 3D runner. The themes we chose were Castles and Chain Reaction. The runner runs on the dominoes trying not to fall and tries to destroy the domino castles. The castles can be destroyed by falling the right dominoes, or if you make the wrong ones fall you may doom yoursel…