Strawberry Alert: Day 7

Published August 13, 2017

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Strawberry Alert is good enough to go. I didn't have time to fix everything I mentioned in my last post, but I could add the following:

  • Support WASD to move.
  • With arrow down (or S) the character crouches, making it easier to avoid enemy fire.
  • The game state is not updated anymore after the level lost dialog appears.
  • There was a bug that the aliens could fire after dying. This is no more.
  • Another bug reduced the player's hit points when a bullet collided from behind (like when an alien fires and the player is slightly past it, the bullet appears with the tail colliding with the player). This isn't happening any longer.

Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the end result. The only thing that I really wish I had time to do is improve the collisions that are still a bit wibbly-wobbly.

Also, I realised today that the rendering library I use loads the spritesheets via AJAX and, guess what? Some browsers (hello Chrome ¬.¬) don't allow AJAX calls when executing an html file directly from the file system. I'm sure there is a way to fix this, but I don't want to spend the few hours of Sunday left digging into it. The game works fine when running it from the file system with Firefox, at least, and I provide a python script to run a simple web server otherwise.

3 likes 1 comments


Scouting Ninja

 Considering how fast you made the browser game and how well each release plays, from a mechanical point alone this game is amazing.

The art is well used and clear. Although if you plan on making the game more difficult you will need to speed up the crouch animation.

Making it to the end without taking damage is a challenge that gives it some nice replayability. I really enjoyed the game.

August 14, 2017 08:09 AM
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