With... or without borders

Published March 21, 2017

Since the beginning I wanted to add clear borders to all my characters and levels. This was mainly due to this being a physics game, and I wanted no doubt about which object can collided with which object.

Since the characters takes a lot of effort to move, then the player should find no surprises about what is a floor/wall, and what is just decoration.

Unfortunately, today, assembling some new art, I realized that the white borders were just too much noise.

So I made a fast mockup to test how it would look without the borders...

What do you think? Should I keep the paper white borders... or should I delete them?


4 likes 3 comments



My vote is paper outline, but I'd need to see game footage with both for a more informed decision.

March 22, 2017 11:06 PM
I would keep them. It's a good look that is worth keeping and perfecting. If you think it is getting too noisy, you could try toning the effect down where it is most prominent, or perhaps on the most contrasting colors (the white edge on black is qualitatively different than the white on light blue).
March 23, 2017 09:52 AM
Keep them. Gives it a great feel. Unique.
March 23, 2017 03:12 PM
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