WoA Day 7

Published August 15, 2016

And the game was supposed to finish today, but things never go the way you want :D , my friend lost his internet 6h to the end of the competition so he couldn't merge his work with me, several bugs weren't fixed and we couldn't implement cinematics that told the story, we couldn't add the soldiers, and level wasn't completely done, though this whole week was a fulfilling experience, and as my first experience with UE4 engine i learned a lot about it which made this week kinda educational, though i'd love to have an extra day to finish the game, we might still put some time to finish the game and probably will upload it later. So as for the story that wont be in the game (since we couldn't add the cinematics) it's supposed to be a guy who lived a happy life with his family and was killed in an accident and was taken to a lab that did experiments on the dead, one day an earth quake causes the malfunction of the cell-doors and let all the zombies out the main character is supposed to fight the zombies and soldiers and find his way out of the island where the lab is located. Well sadly this story wasn't well implemented in the time givven, but we tried to get as much as possible done.

As to problems of we encountered nothing was as bad as internet, and my team mate couldn't put enough time on the project cause of schools and things. The other problem would be the lack of experience on UE4 at least on my side.

As to things i liked and would say was perfection, i'd say the terrain was amazingly good, good height map that was made with world machine, amazing material that paint the terrain automatically so there was no need for painting, though it lacked the foilage, which was do to lack of time.

I also was satisfied with the AI, soldier and zombie AI, sadly we couldn't add the soldiers, and game crashes 'cause of a bug.
any ways here is the "game" https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByRMOIz9rEO0NFlIUkg1MDlwVkE&usp=sharing , (we didnt even choose a name lol, what about nameless :D yeah that's a good name).

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Ouch, I'm sorry to read of the stumbling blocks that you faced--that last-minute loss of internet access especially! Still, I'm glad that you feel that you've gained from the experience overall.

August 15, 2016 03:12 PM
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