WOA Day 7 - Stellar Salvager Final Release!

posted in ArThor's Journal
Published August 14, 2016

Here is my last build of Stellar Salvager for the Week Of Awesome. Pretty tired after this last push. Got a bunch more stuff and an actual end of game sort of. Even managed to get a cheesy story in there. Hope it works for everyone. Enjoy & good luck everyone!



4 likes 4 comments


hey excellent work. still no sun for me though :(. however something very annoying happens when playing, which is you hijack my resolution and then don't restore it when i quit the game!

going from a 2560x1080 to 1280x800 is very jarring.

edit: discovered your launcher, it fixs things, but you should still always restore resolution on game ending!
August 14, 2016 10:57 PM
Ok, i discovered the issue it's inside sunShader; in the vertex shader you have texCoordFrg as type vec2, but in the fragment shader you have it marked as vec4. amd is apparantly not cool with letting that slide, once i changed that, volia let their be a sun and all your other fancy effects :P

I hope you see this asap and can get a patched build up.
August 14, 2016 11:12 PM

Wow, Slicer that's cool helping out like that.

August 15, 2016 01:33 AM

So I'm adding this one on my list of must plays. I'll wait until Slicer or someone else puts them all into a single archive though because I'm lazy and brain dead at the moment, but followed this with some level of curiosity!

August 15, 2016 04:15 AM
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